Company social responsibility
The key to understanding the concept of SZF is the goal of the organization’s activities. The socially responsible company does not only aim to maximize profit, but its objectives are based on the needs of the internal and external environment and include the social and environmental aspects of its activities. The goals of such an organization move from the short-term to the long-term goals that contribute to the ability to generate profit and sustainable development for the whole of society in the long term. It is therefore a shift from focusing solely on achieving profit to the so-called three “P”: people, profit, planets. In this case, the operation of the company is based on the application of the “triple-bottom-line” concept, which takes into account economic growth as well as the environmental and social responsibility of the company. The concepts of SZF or triple-bottom-line point out that economic interests may not be contrary to social and environmental interests, but may create a synergistic effect. The CSF provides organizations with a framework to help integrate environmental, social (ethical) criteria into management decisions.
Environmental area of social responsibility
- environmental policy of the company
- minimizing environmental impacts,
- reducing the material and energy intensity of processes,
- waste Management,
- environmental Process Management Systems
- resource protection
- working environment and so on.
Environmental management system
The environmental management system (EMS) according to ISO 14 001 is one of the important management tools. The EMS consists of a number of interrelated elements that enable the organization to analyze, control and reduce the negative environmental impacts of individual activities, products and services, as well as manage the organization with greater efficiency and control.
The importance of EMS is that it allows you to manage environmental issues in your business in a planned and systematic way, and to identify ways to continually improve environmental business behavior. EMS is suitable for all types of organizations, regardless of their size, their activities, or whether they belong to the public or private sector. Today, they are widespread not only among small and medium-sized enterprises, but also in public administration such as cities and municipalities. Enterprises are voluntarily approaching the implementation of an environmental management system with the aim.
Význam EMS je v tom, že umožňuje riadiť environmentálne problémy v podniku plánovaným a systematickým spôsobom a pomocou neho identifikovať cesty k neustálemu zlepšovaniu environmentálneho podnikového správania. EMS je vhodný pre všetky typy organizácií bez rozdielu ich veľkosti, aktivít, ktoré v nich prebiehajú alebo či patria do verejného alebo súkromného sektora. Dnes sú rozšírené nielen medzi malými a strednými podnikmi, ale aj v oblasti verejnej správy ako sú napríklad mestá či obce. Podniky k zavedeniu systému riadenia ochrany životného prostredia pristupujú dobrovoľne s cieľom.
Economic benefits
- energy saving
- saving water
- minimizing waste (reducing disposal costs)
- economic use of raw materials
- recycling (use of processed waste)
- transparency and cost tracking
- minimizing environmental charges and penalties for pollution
- reduction of insurance costs
Environmental audit
An environmental audit is an integral part of the process of implementing and maintaining an environmental management system (hereinafter referred to as “EMS”). The main objective of the audit is to determine whether the EMS is in compliance with ISO 14001 or EMAS as well as whether it is well established and maintained.
The process of conducting an environmental audit at the enterprise level can be divided into four basic steps:
- initiate audit
- audit preparation
- perform an audit
- work out an audit report